Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Travelling without moving

So here I am, some 10km off the ground, travelling at over 550mph.

Currently we're about three and a half hours into the seven and a half we're due here and are gradually clearing the bottom end of greenland.

So looking out upon the canopy of cloud below and the vague specks I can only summise to be icebergs, yet my fellow travellers and I are held in the grasp of this firmament by only a pretty small looking set of wings and four rolls-royce engines.

We are so small.

Why would the same creator - who drew those same icebergs, (only ten percent above water, remember!) and designed the minds of men like Whittle - choose to be born as a bloody, screaming baby in a dirty rural cave, knowing full well that he was set on the path to pain and death.

Don't you know that love makes fools of us all.
Time for bed here (8pm Greenland time) - sleep well, whenever you are.



At 5:59 am, Blogger Josh said...

Very poetic and well said (your thoughts about the Creator whilst flying near Greenland). You have a great blog Rich, and I'll have to read it more often!!


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