Sunday, February 13, 2005

Student Sunday!

Had a fun time yesterday round at Wessy's making invites for his wedding (in May, must remember to keep the date free!) and getting my hair cut with my new clippers, hmmm... a little bit shorter than normal perhaps, but that generally means I just need to keep my chin a bit smoother for a while - to avoid looking 'upside down'!

Only got back fairly late last night so now I'm just waking up on a Sunday err... afternoon, working out what's real and what's one of those annoying dreams where you dream you've just got up and got dressed then realise 'no, I'm still in bed...'. Eventually a good cup of tea tends to be the deciding factor in actually forcing myself out of bed and getting dressed and on with the day.

So here we are, off to Benjys for an all day breakfast then straight over to church to prepare for the 5pm service - which, as I'm generally providing most of the technical support, mixing, plugging things in, and trying to keep the band and everyone else happy from a Sound/Video point of view I need to be over there a good couple of hours early... Especially as it's a 'student service' which generally means that anything can and probably will happen.


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