Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Five Months Later...

Thought I ought to post on here again, as I was being reminded by a couple of online buddies that I havn't actually passed through these parts for coming on half a year! Anyway, 2005 - a new year, with new possibilities.

2004 was a bit tough - but the cheesy tagline for 'Return of the King' said 'There can be no triumph without loss. No victory without suffering. No freedom without sacrifice.' - maybe that's overexaggerating a bit but anyway, in the past twelve months I cut most of the ties with my old church, then lost a girlfriend, started leading the AV Team, wrote lots of computer programs, changed flatmates, got involved in the kid's mission, recorded a few songs (although clearly not enough) and started to try and sort out - with the guys I've now got around me - the issues that I've struggled with for a while - recognising who I am in Christ, in my faith, and in my relationships.

Certainly, this year just gone has been quite frustrating. If 2003 woke me up to the realisation that actually there was more to life than the 9-to-5, have fun, 'eat, drink and be merry 'cos tommorrow we die' approach of the world - a beauty and passion far beyond anything that you ever found on TV; then 2004 was the journey to see that it wouldn't come on the cheap. That I had to fix my eyes on what I do know (not get distracted wondering about the things that I don't!), count the cost, decide that it was something worth fighting for and start putting in the effort to find it in all it's fullness!

To be completely honest, I havn't found an answer that I'm happy with yet - we talk of 'El Shaddai' (The 'All Sufficient One') and that's my only resolution for 2005 so far. Yes, 'The road is long, with many a winding turn' but join me as I 'seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness' and lets follow where His narrow path leads...


At 2:21 pm, Blogger Dave said...

Welcome back RichB... glad you haven't completely given up on your Blog. Hope you have a great 2005.

Oh and how come my site didn't make your list of websites???!

At 6:01 pm, Blogger RichB said...

Very prompt Dave!... thought I might end up with Delirious overload if I included the forum as well... and you get linked to from the official site anyway ;-)

At 8:05 am, Blogger Josh said...

Ah, there you are. I checked off and on for months...the famous RichB is back...in style.

Sounds like a rough set of events...but it sounds like God is using them to mature, you, etc....so i suppose there's no speaking against that. :-)

At 10:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Good to see this Blog active again!

Those issues sound familiar, I've had some of the same. Stay teachable though, remember God can turn anything to his good. Things hurt but he can use them to teach us.


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