Friday, August 13, 2004

Calm Before The Storm

Well, here's the last day at work before Kids-Camp. And the weather for it looks 'changeable' - to say the least! Most of the time this week has been spent playing with sound samples for dramas, trying to find clothes for aforementioned dramas and almost everything in between!

So I've been going out - on those days I've not been rushing off to meetings - to charity shops, and TK Max (yes TK Max....) buying lurid shirts and bermuda shorts for the 'beach day', and wandering around some unfamilier bits of M&S for bits for the day when we all have to dress as an animal... (say no more, say no more, lets see if it 'works' first!) - finally there's the 'Dalmation' day for which I'm probably going to end up destroying an old t-shirt!

Anyway, lots to do, so little time - tommorrow will be fun, getting to the community centre at 10am and not leaving until we're done which is likely to be some atrocious time on Sunday morning! I'm tired already and we havn't even begun!

So, the next post you get from here will probably be after the summer camp - so, if you want to - pray that we all get there and back safely, everyone has a very good time and that I come back with lots of good footage for the video night (be there, or be err... elsewhere...).

OK, seeya.


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