Friday, July 23, 2004

The inexorable tide...

Finally decided to give in to the 'unstoppable march of progress' and get myself a blog of my own, not sure how much it'll get updated but hopefully it'll give whoever you are some insight into the recesses of my mind!

Admittedly, we tried to get our old Solution site to run off TextPattern at one point, but it seemed rather like using a hammer to crack a nut - so err... we ended up running off PHP/XML instead!

Oh well, work calls - performance, performance, performance is the mantra of the day...


At 4:20 pm, Blogger I P said...

Nice RichB. Did you know you can put your blog on another domain and have blogger publish it. So if you really wanted to use you could. And you can even upload to another host from Blogger.

At 6:42 pm, Blogger RichB said...

I do, but don't really see the point in doing so to be honest - it just seems like more hassle and use of my precious webspace than it's worth... For the moment, it's fine leaving Blogger to do all of the legwork and just adding content instead - like that will ever happen!


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