Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Here comes the rain again.

After a week or so of glorious British sunshine, we finally came back down to earth again yesterday with the most almighty thunderstorm that I can remember seeing in London for a long, long time. What with flooding of the church basement and roads ankle deep in puddles, I presumed that we - with our 2nd floor flat - would be immune - but no. Not content with just coming through the window that got left open(!), the cracks in the plastering of our lounge ceiling apparently didn't think it needed to keep the water out either - and water flooded in through the light fitting and down the wall.... not good!

The landlord was up on the roof this morning, clearing out the drains and is apparently going to do something about fixing the cracks once it's dry again - so hopefully the sun will continue shining for a couple of days more now!

Nonetheless, there was a slightly musty smell when I walked into the lounge this morning, and opened the windows...


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