Friday, November 04, 2005

Linky Linky

Thought I finally better get around to adding some other links to my Blogger template, so added in some of the guys who've visted here and commented in the past, and to some of my "real" friends who have decided to write some musings on the web...

I'm always caught unawares by the sheer scale of the personal interconnections that go on using the web - even thinking back to when I started out on the web in my first year at uni (it's scary that's about eight or nine years ago!). In those days I spent a good few hours a day on IRC channels discussing different view of the Christian Life with people from all over the world.

But today, with the advent of blogs, myspace, the all-pervasive power of google and other such "Web 2.0" applications being embraced on a much larger scale and often modelling then extending existing friendship circles it goes wider, much wider The point is that you can happily spend a good couple of hours just reading about other people's lives. People who you've never met, and in some cases are very unlikely ever to meet. People who are candidly sharing their hopes and fears with you, but are really just the friend of a friend of a friend of someone you know from a chatroom.... but all people... and all precious.

Night night, Night night,
Hope you dream, until the light
Dawns over your obsessions and your pain
Night night, Night night,
Today was all that might
Have taken you to the life beyond the grave

You're not that far away,
You're not that far away,
All of your heart is cradled as you sleep,
I'm not that far away,
I'm not that far away,
I am closer than your pillow
Night night, my love.
Night night


At 9:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who wrote that poem???? Nice picture of Kenway road to go with it, Richie.....

At 3:31 pm, Blogger RichB said...

Err... that'd be me... it is very similar lyrically to 'daybreak' though...

At 10:31 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's true but if you look at it that way... then all worship music are the same..... It's still a good poem though...


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