Monday, December 12, 2005

Blog chain-mail!

Yes, just like those old emails that you forwarded to your mates - Dan Hames named me on a list of people he wanted to do it too... so obviously I'm obliged to oblige... lets try and not just completely reuse his answers!

SEVEN.... (all these lists are in no particular order, often not even in the order I thought of them in!)


1. Become a husband, father and grandfather
2. Write/produce an album that's uninamously considered to be great!!
3. Play some big gigs
4. Live in another country
5. Make some disciples...
6. Learn to care...
7. Start getting to bed on time!
(ok, that last one is seriously lame, but really I'd rather have left 6/7 blank and left room for future expansion!)

THINGS I CANNOT DO (consistantly - occasionally I'll 'fluke' it!)
1. Get to bed and get to sleep before 10pm!
2. Feel true sympathy (or is that empathy?!) for people I've never met
3. Reverse without a rear view mirror
4. Relax
5. Dance
6. Accept personal failure
7. Feel totally sure about anything in life

THINGS I SAY MOST OFTEN (do I actually have any catchphrases?! you guys would tell me, wouldn't you?!)
1. Dunno
2. Hmmm...
3. It's a case of...
4. Urrrrrghhhh (usually in the morning)
5. Tea?
6. I don't have the time
7. Basically...

SEVEN BOOKS I LOVE (excluding The Bible - hmm... I don't read many books at all!!)
1. John Piper - Desiring God
2. John Eldredge - Waking The Dead
3. Philip Yancy - The Jesus I Never Knew
4. JRR Tolkein - The Lord of the Rings
5. Gordon Dalbey - Sons of the Father
6. C.S. Lewis - Collected Writings
7. Paul White - Basic Mixers(!)

1. Oceans Eleven
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. The Usual Suspects
4. Lord of the Rings (Extended Edition!)
5. The Princess Bride
6. Finding Nemo
7. Eternal Sunshine

(and if you don't have a Blog yet, add your comments below!)
1. Wes Hinsley
2. Jacki W
3. Jenni
4. Phil
5. Anna
6. Annette
7. Josh


At 2:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice blog...sorry for the randomness of this email but having seen your name on my friend Dan's blog site i just had to say hi!

I saw your website and was astounded that i knew you many years ago! Not sure if you remember me or whether u just got pictures of a small chubby girl who lived in St Peters Parsonage...

Lol well thats me...but im now grown up (ish)

I have the pleasure of being at the same uni as your brother! All very exciting!

Well again apologies for this but hope it may lighten your day, keep up the good work at St Peters!


At 2:46 pm, Blogger Daniel Hames said...

Wow! Rich and Kat know eachother!
Rich, who is your brother? Maybe I know him.

Small world indeed...

At 6:42 pm, Blogger RichB said...

It's a small world after all! ;-)

Yes, I remember you Kat (although - obviously only as 'Kathrine') how cool is that?!! I'm no longer at St. Peters, but Alan and Mum are still involved...

And yes, Dan - my brother is Sam Barber, just started something psychologyish. I think I also may have been to your church (now that you mentioned it!) a few years back. One of our other friends from Edgware - Efe Avon Nomayo - was studying at Leicester and we made a few visits to see her...

At 9:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooh, how exciting. Yer my name has evolved somewhat...changed from the little girl with freakishly short hair and flowery summer dresses to a ... minging student...mmm.

Well glad to meet u again! Maybe see you soon


At 6:16 pm, Blogger Daniel Hames said...

Yeah I know Efe (or did). We played in bands together a few times at Holy T.

Don't think I've met Sam, but I'm sure I will do at some point.

Crazy stuff.

At 6:43 am, Blogger Josh said...

An enjoyable read, my friend. I also did this thing on my blog, it was fun, thanks for suggesting.

At 2:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to know about small world? I'm searching for something completely unrelated, and lo and behold I find this site...with my name!
Dan-so you're doing/were doing relay work. All the best.
Rich - Long time no hear. Heard you've moved to Ealing....why?


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