Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Current Temperature in the office - 33°C, humidity about 25% - currently feeling toasty.

We were due to have air-con installed yesterday evening, and indeed we did - in the office next door!, whilst our side of the wall (where the majority of the developers are) is generally the hot one anyway. Apparently, they might be back to install them in our office this evening (by which time the british summer might have finished ;-D).

Anyway, my ice-lolly's in the freezer waiting for me when I need a proper break.... but, if it hits 35 this afternoon, I'm off home!

Of course, my room at my new house (in South Ealing) is also a bit warm at present. Facing west-ish the afternoon/evening sun gets absorbed quite efficiently as well - and no air-con there! Thankfully the kitchen and lounge downstairs are pretty cool and we can get a nice breeze going through the french windows... no internet yet though either, so I can't just get a laptop and sit in the shade!

I'm getting plenty of use from my badminton racquet for the purpose of discouraging the local insect life from eating me each night, but it's not all bad - cycling in the sunshine, frisbee in the park, cool-drinks, a nice soothing red wine in the evening - all very meditarranean... (and I'm only going to start complaining again when we hit winter anyway!!)

Since it's been a while since I've posted - I'll claim that's just 'cos I don't have broadband at home yet, and I've been quite busy here at work - I guess I should fill in the details of what I'm up to...
  • Moved house/flat, to South Ealing. Phil has now followed me over from the Earls Court flat and we're gradually working on moving in the vast amount of stuff that each of us has got in the past three years!
  • I've got my own double room, and that's currently full of bags and boxes and computers awaiting my new desk which should turn up later this week.
  • My guitars are now out and about, so have played at church about three times in the last month and a bit. This sunday was good, as I finally managed to get my fingers working again!
  • Doing some bits and pieces of web design with Lana and her crew
  • Trying to keep AV ticking over whilst everyone's away on holiday!
  • Spending some time with my graceful beloved :-)
it's all goood......